
Useful notes for developing with Kotlin Multiplatform + Jetpack Compose


Since I'm working rather intensely with Kotlin Multiplatform for my current project BotvacCenter including all its benefits and drawbacks, I have accumulated quite some valuable knowledge about it as well its underlying Jetpack Compose UI framework. Thus, I want to share some of the knowledge I have struggled to find resources about with you in this post. It's rather a gathering of small notes than a continuous article, but hopefully still somewhat useful to someone out there...

Cross-platform settings

Almost any application needs to store some settings like username, encrypted password et cetera, but the implementations of settings storage is often platform dependent, which makes it an unnecessary hustle when working with a multiplatform project. Thankfully, the accordingly named Multiplatform Settings library exists, which implements a common way of persisting key-value data aka settings. By default, you have to still write some platform-specific code to get it working, but the author was so kind to also develop the no-arg module, which takes care of everything platform-specific and allows you to write your entire settings logic in commonMain . Simply include the correct dependency described in the README and get started with the easy-to-use API . Personally, I like to develop a custom settings controller for all my project to handle reading and writing my application's settings, but this library makes it so easy that it almost becomes unnecessary boilerplate code - nice.

Install and use debug + release builds alongside each other

When developing a new feature for an already mature application, it can be really handy to run the current debug build you're working on alongside a stable release version. Even cooler, you can easily expand this concept of differentiating the debug from the release version to the displayed app name and icon. Here's how to do it:

Dropdown and time picker

For some stupid reason Kotlin Multiplatform still doesn't include stable dropdown or time picker UI components, which forces you to build your own solution. I don't want to praise my implementation as superior to anything else, but feel free to have a look at my dropdown and time picker components, that are surprisingly simple and haven't let me down.

Dark mode

Last but certainly not least I want to share a dark mystery with you - I'm talking about implementing dark mode with Kotlin Multiplatform, which is something I failed miserably at multiple times, before finally succeeding with a simple trick. You are most likely also wrapping the MaterialTheme composable around your actual UI code to give it the desired material styling. It also offers a colors attribute, which should turn the application into dark mode when setting it to the provided darkColors() palette. However, you will find that on desktop your application background still is white making everything poorly legible, while on mobile everything looks good except for the loading screen still being white. After lots of experimenting, here's the surprisingly simple solution to both of these issues:

With that said, I have presented my most precious discoveries about Kotlin Multiplatform + Jetpack Compose to you. Some of them aren't perfect for sure, but they have worked reliably for me so far and that validates their existance in my mind, even if they are ugly. As always, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments down below and have a lovely day...

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