
A quick look at why project documentation is key


I love the spirit of open source and sharing code with the public to learn from or improve upon it is truly a beautiful thing. However, when recently going through a bunch of GitHub repositories related to ICP and SLAM I noticed one heart-breaking thing: a bunch of them aren't documented well or even at all. That's why I want to talk about project documentation in this quick look and share my thoughts on why it matters as well as what aspects are most important...

If you have ever worked on a more complex project than a simple "Hello, World!" program or basic tutorial, you probably know that code can get quite complex and hard to read - especially when there isn't any good reference to get inspiration from. Once you move on to another project and look at it a year or so later, you will probably feel just as lost as I do when looking at my older projects and need some time to get back into the topic. That's usually not a problem, but you as the author also have the huge advantage of having understood the code at least once when you wrote it - this is something other people don't have and exactly why project documentation matters. It's nice if you share your precious source code, but if it's so hard to understand that it's literally easier to just write your own implementation there really isn't any value in sharing it - which is a real tragedy, since making it understandable isn't too hard.

The things that make working with someone else's projects unnecessarily hard and most annoy me are mostly the following:

  1. No README to explain what the project does and show some results
  2. No dependency list or instructions to get it working
  3. If it's a library, no examples to get started
  4. Meaningless variable, function and class names like a, b, c
  5. If the code isn't basic or self-explanatory, no comments to explain what happens

Luckily, many of them can be fixed with little or even no additional time required:

  1. Before releasing any code to the public, think a few minutes about what your project should do and what features it should include and capture that in your README in one way or another. This doesn't only help others understand it better, but also sets some clear goals for you to work on.
  2. Especially if you plan to run your code on multiple machines or only from time to time, do yourself a favour and create a simple list of things to install and commands to run to get your project up and running. You use these countless times while developing it anyway, so copying them over to a prominent place (like a section in your README) isn't much work.
  3. If you are developing a library, you probably need to test it and have a use case for it - think about sharing at least a stripped-down version of these useful code sections as examples. As always, they don't have to be perfect or superbly pretty, but having them is really nice for others as well as testing new functionality without the complexity of your real integrations.
  4. I get it, especially in late-night sessions or after struggling to get something working, you can be quite tired and just create variables, functions et cetera with random names, because they have to have some name. But at least once it works, spend the minute or two using your IDE's refactoring tools to rename them to something meaningful that you can still understand in a week.
  5. This one is something I regularly struggle with myself, since I tell myself that my good naming of things makes my code quite easy to read. Nonetheless, consider adding a one-liner or two as comments to explain more complex sections of your code and especially difficult design decisions that aren't obvious.

If you follow these five tips consistently, your code will not only be easy to understand, but your project will also look a lot more professional when others look at it, which is always nice and good for your reputation/portfolio. Don't overthink any of them though, since spending some consideration is usually already enough and with that said, have a lovely day...

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